var host =; var protocol = window.location.protocol; var serverHost, apiProtocol; var pathType = 'Subdomains'; /** DO NOT CHANGE THESE LINES!! **/ var onPremise = true; var hostedPDFServer = ''; var sso = ''; var ssoTeamsEnabled = false; var ssoLogout = ''; var proxy = false; var sac = false; /*******************************/ // Parse query string var query = {}; var hashes = location.hash.substr(1).replace(/\?/g, '&').split("&"); var hashpath = ''; // Look in the location."&").forEach(function(item) { query[item.split("=")[0]] = item.split("=")[1] && decodeURIComponent(item.split("=")[1]); }); // Also look in hashes. hashes.forEach(function (item) { parts = item.split('='); if (parts.length > 1) { query[parts[0]] = parts[1] && decodeURIComponent(parts[1]); } else if (item.indexOf('/') === 0) { hashpath = '/#' + item; } }); if (query['x-jwt-token']) { localStorage.setItem('formioToken', query['x-jwt-token']); localStorage.removeItem('formioAppUser'); localStorage.removeItem('formioUser'); window.history.pushState("", "", hashpath); } var parts = host.split('.'); if (parts[0] === 'portal' || parts[0] === 'beta'|| parts[0] === 'alpha' || parts[0] === 'next' || parts[0] === 'edge') { parts.shift(); host = parts.join('.'); } if (host.indexOf('localhost') !== 0) { serverHost = host; apiProtocol = protocol; } else { serverHost = 'localhost:3000'; apiProtocol = 'http:'; } var appBase = protocol + '//' +; var apiBase = apiProtocol + '//api.' + serverHost; var formioBase = apiProtocol + '//formio.' + serverHost; var pdfServer = apiProtocol + '//files.' + serverHost; var licenseServer = apiProtocol + '//license.' + serverHost; if (onPremise) { apiBase = apiProtocol + '//' + serverHost; formioBase = apiProtocol + '//' + serverHost + '/formio'; pdfServer = hostedPDFServer || ''; licenseServer = ''; pathType = 'Subdirectories'; } if (host.indexOf('localhost') === 0) { licenseServer = 'http://localhost:3006'; } var disable = false; var loading = false; if (Formio) { Formio.setBaseUrl(apiBase); Formio.setProjectUrl(formioBase); Formio.setPathType(pathType); if (sso && query.skipSsoAuth !== 'true') { if (query.saml) { window.location.hash = localStorage.getItem('redirectUrl'); localStorage.removeItem('redirectUrl'); } else { localStorage.setItem('redirectUrl', location.hash); } loading = Formio.ssoInit(sso, { forceAuth: true }); // Check if already logged in if (!loading) { // We are starting the handshake process with SSO, disable the app for now. disable = true; } } if ('loadModules' in Formio) { Formio.loadModules(); } } // Check the health of the server. if ('fetch' in window) { fetch(apiBase + '/health', { headers: { Origin: window.location.origin } }); } angular.module('formioApp').constant('AppConfig', { appVersion: '7.2.4', copyrightYear: (new Date()).getFullYear().toString(), sso: sso, ssoTeamsEnabled: ssoTeamsEnabled, ssoLogout: ssoLogout, loading: loading, disable: disable, pathType: pathType, forceSSL: false, pdfPrice: 10, sac: sac, onPremise: onPremise, appBase: appBase, apiBase: apiBase, formioBase: formioBase, apiProtocol: apiProtocol, apiServer: serverHost, serverHost: serverHost, protocol: apiProtocol, pdfServer: pdfServer, pdfHostedPrice: 50, pdfHostedForms: 25, pdfHostedSubs: 1000, proxy: proxy, licenseServer: licenseServer, pdfEnterprisePrice: 250, tutorial: '', userForm: formioBase + '/user', userLoginForm: formioBase + '/user/login', userRegisterForm: formioBase + '/user/register', userLinkGithubForm: formioBase + '/user/link/github', paymentForm: formioBase + '/payment', commercialContactForm: formioBase + '/commercialcontact', pdfUploadForm: formioBase + '/pdfupload', teamForm: formioBase + '/team', memberForm: formioBase + '/member', betaForm: formioBase + '/beta', feedbackForm: formioBase + '/feedback', resetPassForm: formioBase + '/resetpass', verifyAccount: formioBase + '/verifyaccount' });